Friday, December 5, 2014

Do You Feel Alone in a Crowd?

8 Signs of Depression

Do you feel alone, misunderstood, and isolated even when there are people around you? Are you losing interest in your own life, friends, and family, or unable to feel good and positive about anything? If so, you might be suffering from depression.

Life has a tendency to throw us challenges, whether physical or emotional, when we least expect it. We can easily feel that it is unfair, that we don’t belong or that we are the only ones struggling and fighting through bad situations, one tragedy after another.

Though these thoughts and feelings are normal and occasionally expected with life’s constant tribulations, they normally subside on their own, relatively quickly, after being listened to by a supportive friend. 

Depression on the other hand, can be an invisible, clingy, pulling-you-down weight, following you for long periods of time. People around you might try to help by telling you to get over it, to cheer up, or to stop dramatizing and you might find yourself incapable of making a change. It might even make you feel more alone than ever before, unable to understand what is happening to you. 

Even though depression might make you feel as if you’re the only person struggling, statistics show that it is quite common and will sneak into almost everyone’s life at some point.


Surprising Facts About Depression:

  • According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), about 1 in 10 adults in the United States will, or have, reported depression.
  • Approximately 80% of affected individuals will not recognize or seek treatment.
  • Depression can affect anyone, even children as young as 12 years of age.

Why Do I Feel This Way?

Causes of depression can vary from one individual to the next, and can even take us by surprise when we’ve never had difficulties managing our lives before.  Sometimes it reveals an underlying condition, biological or emotional, we were unaware of; other times, we just need help getting through the thick of it. There could be millions of reasons for this uneasy situation, but major life events will often sit at the top of the list, such as, but not limited to:
  • Death of a person close to you
  • Illness (yourself, or others)
  • Divorce
  • Losing your job
  • Financial crisis
  • Menopause, or being unable to conceive a child
Repeated situations such as bullying, diminishment, or constant criticism can also cause depression. It can be as simple as an accumulation of repressed emotions from past months or years, a turning point where a single comment becomes too much to handle, and we quickly unravel. No one is sheltered from depression. Being able to recognize it and treat it is key.


Common Signs of Depression

Here are 8 common signs that could help you, or a loved one, identify
depression and reach out for help:

  1. Sudden loss of interest in your regular activities, work, or school
  2. Persistent and unusual reactions or emotions, such as: unshakable sadness, irritability, anger, or pessimism
  3. Lethargy or a noticeable lack of energy; no motivation
  4. Change in eating or sleeping habits or development of self-harm behaviors (i.e.-cutting)
  5. Negative thoughts and feelings that don’t fade away, even during fun times
  6. Feeling isolated in your misery, misunderstood. Unusually evading friends or family members, preferring to be alone
  7. Statements that indicate low self-esteem such as,”I will never be good enough” or “I'm not worth it”
  8. Suicidal thoughts, or thinking the world would be a better place without you, that no one cares about you 

You Matter

Depression is to be taken very seriously and treated with care. No matter the reasons, or the symptoms you are experiencing at this time, know that you are not alone and there are many resources and people ready to support and listen to you. If you are experiencing signs of depression start by reaching out to a therapist or counselor; someone with experience in dealing with this mood disorder. It can be the first important step towards feeling better.

Call Dr. Jen at 860.838.2071 and visit:

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