Monday, November 10, 2014

#7 is a simple model that is useful in handling conflict.

10 Keys to Becoming Psychologically Savvy

Find peace, and avoid regret, through these fundamental understandings.
Published on October 20, 2014 by Susan Heitler, Ph.D. in Resolution, Not Conflict

When I was growing up, I sometimes wanted my younger sister and brother to leave me alone, or maybe to do something that they did not want to do. When I would effectively distract them, or cleverly find a way to get them to happily do what I wanted, my mother used to say admiringly, "Susan, you're such a good psychologist!!" Psychological savvy thus came to me to mean communication in relationships, in a way that enabled me to enjoy smooth and positive relationships and at the same time to get what I wanted in life.
Now, having been in practice as a clinical psychologist for close to 40 years, and having written four books on psychological topics, I have expanded my repertoire of which specific psychological understandings truly make a difference.

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